International Conference on Empathic Architecture (ICEA) was firstly initiated by Petra Christian University-Surabaya in 2014, which in 2019 will be the 3rd. Considering that empathy is the action of deeply understanding other feelings or experiences as if we feel or experience the same issue, “Empathic Architecture” is when architect decides the best solution for a design problem to make the designer and the user practically the same person. In the creation of architecture and built environment, empathy is not always found in architecture products, as architects pay more attention on aesthetic, function, structure and economic aspects of the products. At the end, users are always seen as objects.
Therefore, ICEA is an international conference which encourage academicians, practitioners, researchers and related stakeholders to discuss about the application of empathic architecture. In April 2019, Architecture Department, Petra Christian University will organize the 3rd ICEA with the main topic “RETURN TO ZERO”, to invite architects, building practitioners, decision makers, and researchers to take a moment to pause, and to re-think the impact of building developments towards our city, our history, our culture, and towards our children and ancestors.
Important Dates
15 January 2019 — Paper submission
15 February 2019 — Notification of paper acceptance
25 February 2019 — Early-bird Registration
15 March 2019 — Submission of revised paper
25 – 26 April 2019 — Conference date
27 April 2019 — Technical tour
Department of Architecture
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning
Petra Christian University
Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya – 60236
East Java, Indonesia
Email: icea2019(at)