1st Day : 21st September 2011
Concept and Policies on International Architectural Accreditation in Indonesia
International Architectural Accreditation Concept from Korea Architectural Accrediting Board (KAAB) Perspectives
Speaker: Professor Jaepil Choi, PhD
Development Concept of International Architectural Accreditation from IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia) Perspectives
Speaker: Endy Subijono, IAI
Development Concept of International Accreditation from Government (DIKTI) Perspectives
Speaker: Dr. Ir. Ilah Sailah, M.S. *
Development Concept of International Architectural Accreditation from Universities (APTARI) Perspectives
Speaker: Dr. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan
2nd Day : 22nd September 2011
Curriculum Development:
Response to International Standards
Concept and Application of International Standard Curriculum: Case Study of NUS, Singapore
Speaker: Prof. Johannes Widodo, School of Architecture NUS, Singapore
Concept of International Architectural Standards Curriculum from Indonesian Perspective
Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Heru Poerbo
School of Architecture ITB Bandung
(seminar dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kecuali sesi pertama – KAAB)
Early bird (by 12 September 2011): IDR 300.000 (kami perpanjang berhubung liburan ini dari pengumuman di poster/leaflet)
Late bird (13 – 21st September 2011): IDR 500.000
Bank transfer to Jarwa Prasetya Sih Handoko Bank Syariah Mandiri (UII) No. 0307095748
Please send the copy of receipt by e-mail to renny@ftsp.uii.ac.id or fax to +62-274-895-330
indicating reference: “PHKPS – your name”
Mohon dapat dikirim via email: renny@ftsp.uii.ac.id
Info lebih lanjut: Renny Wijaya: +62 898 444 ext 3200 / 3201 atau bisa juga langsung ke Ilya (081 826 92 62)
juga ke http://architecture.uii.ac.id/index.php/Event/Hibah-PHK-PS-Arsitektur-FTSP-UII-adakan-Seminar-Internasional