International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP) 2016 – is an integrated conference which gathers all key stakeholders (researchers, experts, policy-makers, practitioners) to contribute in the development and innovation in Indonesian architecture and planning. After the successful biennales in 2012 and 2014, ICIAP 2016 comes with the main theme of – Inclusive Space, Enriching Culture. “Space” is believes to be inclusive for all living beings and thus, in designing and creating space, we have to come in understanding on how culture and pluralism shapes space. ICIAP 2016 aims at bringing together science, research, and practice of how to integrate culture in Indonesian architecture and planning. It has a specific goal in finding the amalgamation of how to define, design, plan, and create an inclusive space for all, thus enriching the broad diversity of Indonesian culture.
Previous Speakers
Prof. Kunihiro Narumi, Dr. Marieke Bloembergen, Prof. Dr. Syed Zainol Abidin Idid, Dr. Erich Lehner, Dr. Ulrike Herbig, Prof. Tsutomu Shigemura, Dr. Tadashi Ogawa, Ridwan Kamil, Yori Antar, Ir. Imam S. Ernawi, Prof. Bakti Setiawan, Dr. M. Sani Roychansyah, Dr. Ikaputra, Dr. Laretna T. Adhisakti, Ir. Jatmika Adi Suryabrata, Budiman Hendropurnomo, Harmen van de Wal, Kruti Garg, Prof. Miho Mazereeuw, Dr. Peter Kellett, Prof. Ryuzo Ohno, Prof. Yasufumi Uekita, Prof. Yoshimitsu Shiozaki
The Third International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP) entitled ‘Space for The Next Generation’ is organized to accomplish, although not limited to, the following se objectives:
- Promote exchange of knowledge and experiences fromvarious cases and precedents both inside and outside Indonesia as lesson-learnt towards the betterment of communities in Indonesia;
- Enhance multi-disciplinary approaches to perceive the development of architecture and ?spatial planning seen from different perspectives; Historical & Heritage Context, Traditional & Contemporary Context, SocioCultural-Political & Economic Context, Disaster Resilient Context, Environmental & Green Context, Urban Context, Educational Context and Future Context of Indonesian Architecture and Planning;
- Promote multi-sector approaches within and beyond design and planning disciplines in accordance with the conference’s main theme Inclusive Space, Enriching Culture.
- Provide fruitful conference outcome by providing conference proceedings, presentation materials, guidelines, as well as excursion to various architecturaland cultural tourism sites as a pre-conference event;
- Strengthen and broaden long-established and tight partnership between the Department of Architecture anPlanning, Universitas Gadjah Mada, with the worldwide researchers and institutions.