We are excited to announce the upcoming event from/ the Department of Architecture Universitas Indonesia, iDwell 2020: Hyperlocal Practices VS Global Thinking, The 3rd International Conference on Dwelling Form is taking place in Date: Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th Agustus 2020 Venue: Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia (exact location tba)
Here are a few details of the conference:
Important dates:
1 Jan – 7 Feb 2020: Abstract Submission
21 Feb 2020: Abstract Review Announcement
1 Mar – 8 May 2020: Full Paper Submission
8 Jun 2020: Paper Review Announcement
15 Jun – 3 Jul 2020: Camera-ready Paper Submission
Open registration:
24 Feb – 31 Mar 2020: Early-bird Registration:
1 Apr – 30 Jun 2020: Regular Registration
Conference themes
1. Design Activism
Focus on understanding design as activism that would expand architectural discourse. The subthemes under Design Activism are Compact design (incl. mixed-use); Inclusive and universal design (incl. disable, aging and gender); Human Comfort and Behavior; and Community engagement
2. Claiming-Reclaiming Space
Look for issues on how claiming and reclaiming place may be the platform for inclusive and transformative dialogue. The subthemes under Claiming-Reclaiming Space are: Squatters / Slums and Cities; Sustainability and Social Responsibility; Community and land use planning; Neighborhoods and public space.
3. Identity vs Locality
Focus on how contemporary architectures embrace, experiment with, or embody localities and identities in response to the changing global environment. The subthemes under Identity vs Locality are Cities in Transformation; Design paradigms; Arts, Culture and Placemaking; and Race, Gender, Ethnicity and Urban Issues.
4. Design Research vs Research Design
Aim to trigger the discussion on how people in design-related disciplines conduct “research”. The subthemes under Design Research vs Research Design is: Rethinking Planning and Urban Design; Principles of Sustainable Development; Planning Visions: Past and Present; and Civic Participation and Governance.
Keynote and Invited Speakers
1. Ruth L.Steiner (University of Florida)
2. Evawani Ellisa (Universitas Indonesia)
3. Kengo Hayashi (University of Tokyo)
4. Lai Chee Kian* (National University of Singapore)
5. Manu Sobti (University of Queensland)
6. Manfredo Manfredini (University of Auckland)
*to be confirmed
Detailed information is available in https://idwell.eng.ui.ac.id/2020/ or download our official poster on the attachment. Should you have any query please do not hesitate to contact us through the email address: idwell@ui.ac.id.
Thank you and we hope to meeting you soon in Bali.
Hanifa Fijriah Wasnadi, S. Ars., M. Ars Organizing Committee of iDwell 2020 Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia hanifafijriah@yahoo.co.id Ph. +6287722132062