Place Speaks: Evoking Spirit of Place in Contemporary Architecture
Departemen Arsitektur, Kampus Sukolilo, ITS – Surabaya, November 1-2, 2016
Place is space where life takes place. As distinct to space, place has its specific characters. Plain and mountainous landscapes, warm and humid climates, sparse and dense urban environments determine physical characteristics of a place. Social structures, social interaction, rituals, cultural activities are those of non-physical that give life to a place. Places bring spirit and create their own language or expression, and therefore differ from one place to another. Architecture as a man-made environment has to respond to place because it makes architecture meaningful. Architecture is regarded as a shelter when it takes physical environments such climate and topography into account. It can be symbolic when it has to represent social and cultural qualities. It should resemble nature if it requires minimum environmental degradation. And it can be progressive if it has to respond to ever changing qualities of a place. Place serves as a context for architecture.
Over time we have witnessed considerable changes over places and architecture. Places often become more specific due the changes, whereas architecture tends to adopt more universal language. In order to maintain meaningful state and identity, contemporary architecture should allow a place to be its reference. Many design strategies have been proposed over the last decades. They ranges from those that refer to the past by exploring architectural traditions to those that take current conditions of a place by abstracting specific features of the place.
Academics, researchers, and students are invited to exchange their knowledge in this conference. This will be a medium where current theories, design methods and researches on this field are discussed. On AR+DC 2016 in particular, professionals are also invited to share and discuss their design and knowledge specifically on dealing with place based design for contemporary needs.
- Architectural theory. Keywords: regionalism, critical regionalism, spirit of place, hybrid language, contextual-ism, ecological, sustainable architecture.
- Architecture research. Keywords: vernacular architecture, traditional architecture, urban architecture, precedent, environmental, climate responsive architecture.
- Architecture method. Keywords: transformation, contemporary idioms, digital hybridization, contextual design, precedent
- Architecture education. Keywords: context based design studio, responsive design studio, narrative design studio
- Architecture design practice. Keywords: contemporary vernacular, modern traditional, urban architecture, ecological, sustainable architecture, climate adapted design.
Abstract & Paper
Abstract and paper must be written in English, and will be selected by blind peer-reviewers. Guide for authors is available in conference’s website: All accepted papers will be scheduled for presentation in the conference and included in the conference proceedings. Selected papers will be considered for publication in procedia proceeding indexed by scopus-elsevier.