Dear Colleague:
Thank you for your continued support of Arte-Polis 4 Creative Connectivity
and the Making of Place: Living Smart by Design. We greatly appreciate
your assistance in sharing this exciting event within your network.
Given numerous requests from enthusiastic colleagues worldwide, the
deadline of Abstracts for Arte-Polis 4 International Conference has been
extended until MONDAY, 20 FEBRUARY 2012. More information is available at
our website
At this time, we have received abstracts from creative champions in
Australia, Belgium, China, Croatia, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Thailand, the United States of America and more to come. We would like to
thank colleagues who have submitted. To those who are still considering,
we look forward to your participation in this exciting event with your
creative Abstract topic.
Dr.Eng. Arif Sarwo WIBOWO
Arte-Polis 4 International Conference and Workshop
Creative Connectivity and the Making of Place
Call for Papers – EXTENDED Deadline Abstracts due 20 FEBRUARY 2012 The
Fourth Arte-Polis International Conference and Workshop
Living Smart by Design
Bandung, 5-7 July 2012
Arte-Polis 4 builds on the successes of previous Arte-Polis international
conferences and design workshops in 2006, 2008 and 2010. Institut
Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is proud to present in 2012 an international
conference and workshop with the theme “Creative Connectivity and the
Making of Place: Living Smart by Design”. This biennial event is an
initiative of the Architecture Program at ITB’s School of Architecture,
Planning and Policy Development in collaboration with other creative
institutions. Besides referring to a network society, connectivity with
regards to living smart by design can be linked to creatively connecting
different actors in society (community, business, government, academia);
the past, present and future; culture, economy and place; the
collaboration between art, media and technology; theory and practice; the
informal and formal; education, research and industry; as well as the
design, planning, and management of livable environments.
The aim of Arte-Polis 4 is to connect together practitioners, academics,
community leaders, government officials, policy-makers, artists and other
creative professionals from diverse disciplines and regions around the
world concerned with the quality of life and connected nature of creative
communities in urban, rural and pastoral places. Its objective is to share
and learn from international and local experiences regarding current
issues, best practices and policy implications of creative connectivity on
The peer-reviewed Arte-Polis 4 International Conference will critically
address the theme “Creative Connectivity and the Making of Place: Living
Smart by Design” through a number of diverse Tracks, such as:
A. Architecture and Environmental Design for Creative Connectivity
B. Business, Management and Entrepreneurship through Creative Connectivity
C. Culture, Arts and Design showcasing Creative Connectivity
D. Digital Media and Information Technology harnessing Creative Connectivity
E. Education and Theoretical Discourses on Creative Connectivity
F. Planning and Policy Development informed by Creative Connectivity
Anies BASWEDAN, Ph.D. – Rector, Paramadina University, INDONESIA
Prof. Ulrich WEINBERG – Head, HPI School of Design Thinking, University of
Postdam, GERMANY
Elizabeth PLATER-ZYBERK, F.A.I.A. – Distinguished Professor and Dean,
School of Architecture, University of Miami, AND Founding Principal, Duany
Plater-Zyberk & Company, USA
Andres DUANY, F.A.I.A – Founding Principal, Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company,
USA *)
Em.Prof. Mohammad DANISWORO, Ph.D. – Chairman, Center for Urban Design
Studies (PSUD) and Emeritus Professor of Architecture and Urban Design,
Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA *)
*) pending confirmation
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), INDONESIA
Thursday-Saturday, 5-7 July 2012
Abstracts between 200-300 words (Arial 11 font, single-spaced, no images,
A4 format paper, MS-Word document) are invited to address the theme
“Creative Connectivity and the Making of Place: Living Smart by Design” of
this blind peer-reviewed conference by Monday, 20 FEBRUARY 2012. Abstracts
should be sent to the Organizing Committee’s e-mails AND as an attachment-file,
with Last Name and 2 first-words of Abstract Title as File-Name. Author’s
name, institution, e-mail, mailing address, Abstract Title and indication
of Conference Track they would like to be considered for, must be provided
on a separate page (same file). Only English-edited abstracts and papers
will be accepted, and selected Authors should keep in accordance with
further guidelines for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. Abstracts
and papers received earlier than deadlines will be reviewed and notified
on a first-come first-served basis.
Abstracts due for Review by : Monday, 20 February 2012
Notification of Abstracts acceptance by: Monday, 27 February 2012
Papers due for Review by : Monday, 12 March 2012
Notification of Papers acceptance by : Monday, 2 April 2012
Final Papers due for Proceedings by : Monday, 30 April 2012
Conference Fee
A. Early-Bird Registration (by 30 April 2012)
B. Regular Registration (after 30 April 2012)
1. International – Professional A. US$ 250 B. US$ 300
2. International – Student A. US$ 125 B. US$ 150
3. Indonesian Resident – Professional A. Rp 500.000 B. Rp 600.000
4. Indonesian Resident – Student A. Rp 250.000 B. Rp 300.000
Conference Fee includes conference kit, Abstracts/Program Book, Conference
Proceedings CD, lunches, coffee breaks and Certificate of Participation.
Registration starts on Monday, 27 February 2012. A copy of student
certification required for registration as student. Walk-in Registration
on day of Conference subject to availability of places.
Bank details of the Organizing Committee, for transfer of payment: BANK
MANDIRI, KCP Bandung Siliwangi Bandung, Indonesia. Swift Code: BMRIIIDJA
US Dollar : Dr.Ing. Ir. HERU WIBOWO, MURP, IAI – Acct. No.130-00-0564603-2
Indonesian Rupiah: Dr.Ing. Ir. HERU WIBOWO, MURP, IAI – Acct.
Abstracts of selected Papers will be compiled in a book and, together with
a CD of the Conference Proceedings, will be provided to registered
participants at the Conference venue. Conference Proceedings in book form,
containing Papers received by the above deadline, will also be available
for purchase during the Conference.
Organizing Committee
Arte-Polis 4 International Conference and Workshop
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) – School of Architecture, Planning and
Policy Development
LabTek. IXB, Architecture Building, Basement Level
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
Tel +62-22-250-4962 (ext.432), Fax +62-22-253-0705
E-mails: AND