Online International Conference on Architectural Research and Design, Sustainable Environment and Architecture

Department of Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
November 2-3, 2021  |  Surabaya, Indonesia

SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Bridging the role of Human, Nature, and Technology

Climate change is a hot topic, and it has attracted many built environment researchers for decades. The phenomenon is considered as the causes of extreme weather events around the world, and it poses an immediate risk to human survival. Among man-made interventions, built environment is claimed to contribute to this phenomenon. As a response, many efforts has been taken to minimize threats posed by the climate change. Countries around the world have committed to conduct climate change mitigation and agreed to limit the increase of global average temperatures. Since 2015, United Nations has included efforts to tackle this subject matter in one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and already adopted by all member states. In academic side, studies on the topic have been carried out by many researchers, yet the results are still needed to be elaborated and enriched to reach wider level of practicality and community participation.

​Architecture, as a built environment, must be able to contribute to mitigating climate change, to lower   urban heat island, reducing carbon emissions, ensuring the preservation of biodiversity and favorable human habitation. Human as user and actor, nature as a context and resources, and technology as means of realizing objectives must be synchronized and synergized in the creation of sustainable built environment. All stakeholders must also play a role in this battle. Having all in the same plate will ensure health and safety of the user, as well as the environment.



• Defining Environmental Aesthetic
• Sustainable Housing Scheme
• City Environment for All
• Sustainable Design Implementation
• Impact of Green Design on Human Well being
• Applications of Environment Based Building Material and Technology
• Tools for Evaluating the Success of Sustainable Building
• Current Best Practice in Environmental Architecture
• Sustainability without Discrimination in the Built Environment
• Healthy and Safe Built Environment Design

For more information, please visit the conference website: