Open House Exhibition AFAIR 2012
“Play with Your Surrounding”
Design Competition, Workshop, Public Lecture, Open House Exhibition
29th Jan 2012 – 4th Feb 2012 (10.00 a.m. -6 p.m.)
@ Exhibition Hall C, 2nd Floor, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta
Architecture Studio Sharing (29th Feb 1 p.m.)
by University of Indonesia, Binus University, and Tarumanagara University
Opening (30th Jan 1 p.m.)
Opening Speech by Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, ST., MSc., Ph.D.
(Head of Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia)
Public Lecture (3th Feb)
(1 p.m.) 1st session “Intervensi Ruang Publik: Catatan Pendek” by Iswanto G. Hartono (UNTAR Lecturer, sculpture, installation artist)
(3 p.m.) 2nd session “Sustainable Design: Instalasi Jebak Kandang” by Agus Iswahyudi & Ari Setyo N. (Ambitext)
Play with Your Surrounding Design Competition Final Presentation
(4th Feb 1 p.m.)
Judges :
Sarah Ginting (Architect of Gang Sesama)
Yandi Andri Yatmo (Architect, Lecturer)
Ardi Yunanto (Karbon Journal)
Music Performance by Prof. Ir. Triatno Yudo Harjoko, MSc., Ph.D. (Architecture UI Lecturer)
(4th Feb 4 p.m.)
Architecture UI Fair (AFAIR) is an annual event presented by Ikatan Mahasiswa Arsitektur (IMA) BEM FTUI
and Department of Architecture FTUI, as a moment for the students to show their talent in thinking creatively and responding towards issues in their surroundings. The output would be developed as certain architectural projects that could be shared and communicated to the society, academicians, and professionals.
This year we choose Play With Your Surroundings as a concept of the whole event where having fun in urban activities is the main focus.
“Summing up the formal characteristics of play we might call it a free activity standing quite consciously outside “ordinary” life as being “not serious,”
“Play is a voluntary activity or occupation executed within certain fixed limits of time and place, according to rules freely accepted but absolutely binding, having its aim in itself and accompanied by feeling of tension, joy, and consciousness that it is different from ordinary life” J. Huizinga ‘Homo Ludens’
Man and playing can not be separated. Playing is a free activity done with consciousness, outside the typical human life which often faced with stress and seriousness. In playing, we create, decide, and form a certain space and time. This human need of space and time is an architectural aspect that determines many forms of urban places according to the activities and surroundings.
So, here we gladly invite you to come to AFAIR 2012 “Play With Surroundings” main exhibition with details mentioned above. Let’s see and support these fresh, youthful ideas that will be brought during this events!
(Don’t forget to bring along your companions!)
Namlia Mahabba (085717198343)
Talita Yakin Putri Nasution (085693509426)
Website :
Facebook : Architecture UI Fair Afair
Twitter : @AFAIR2012
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